I'm looking for someone to teach me how to play the contrabas. I have my own contrabas but I am a complete beginner. Although I understand Dutch, I'd like to take lessons in English. Look forward to hearing from you…
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Naar overzicht van alle forumsHi Suzy,
Did you find your teacher yet?
I quit the musicbizznizz in March 2009 after 30 years, but that does'nt mean that I still can teach a young dog some new tricks, hahaha…
I also have a bass on sale and I live in Zaandam.
If you want me to come down town to teach you, it's gonna cost a bit more.
If you know somebody that wants a specialbass, go to marktplaats.nl under the title HUBBY WANTS TO GO. untill July the 3rd it will be active.
Two years ago I almost sold that bass to a female bassist, sometimes I think that it is an instrument in this case that wants to be hugged by his new owner, hopefully a female bassist.
Let me know what's going on
In the meantime I say: tot ziens
Branko Teuwen
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